Join us at ITI 2008 - June 23-26, 2008! ITI 2008 Preliminary Call for Papers
ITI 2007 closed on Thursday, June 28 - 164 participants from 22 countries attended ITI in Cavtat this year.
ITI 2007 Best Student Paper Award Winners are: Krešimir Zauder, Croatia, Bojan Blažona, Croatia. More Information about Student Paper Competition.
Conference Secretariat - ITI 2007 SRCE - University Computing Centre University of Zagreb J. Marohnica 5 HR-10000 Zagreb, CROATIA Phone: +385 1 616 55 95 Fax: +385 1 616 55
91 E-mail: iti@srce.hrURL: http://iti.srce.hr/ |
Contributed Papers
Authors who wish to present a paper related to any topic of the Conference should submit an electronic version and an identical hard-copy prepared according to the Instructions to Authors (http://iti.srce.hr/itinstr.html ).
ITI seeks original scientific and/or professional papers.
The papers, after being reviewed and accepted by two independent referees, will be published in the Conference Proceedings (book: ISSN 1330-1012, ISBN 978-953-7138-09-7, CD-ROM: ISSN 1334-2762, ISBN 978-953-7138-10-3) to be included in the IEEE Conference Publication Program (IEEE Catalog Number 07EX1589; CD-ROM: IEEE Catalog Number 07EX1589C) and abstracted in the INSPEC database.
After presentation at the Conference, a selection of papers will be recommended for publishing in the following international journals: Posters Authors who wish to be considered for a poster or a demo session should submit an electronic version and an identical hard-copy of the poster, prepared according to the Instructions to Authors (http://iti.srce.hr/itinstr.html).