Electronic submition page
Final papers / Poster abstracts Submission Deadline: May 11, 2005
  • Before submitting your paper, you have to fill in and send us ITI Registration form.
  • Before submitting your paper read Instruction to authors. Please don't submit your paper before you are ready; we would rather not have to deal with revisions of already submitted papers.
  • The strongly prefered way to submit your paper is via this form. Follow the instructions, step-by-step, and then use the "Submit paper" button at the bottom of the form.
  • Before entering any data, make sure that you use the appropriate encoding on this page (i.e. Central European if you have to type characters like s, æ etc.). If your browser does not handle forms, see note below

Corresponding author's name:
Corresponding author's email:
Postal Address:
Title of Paper:
Submit Paper:
  • We can accept Postscript or (preferably) PDF formats, in dialects created by most contemporary document preparation tools.
  • The file can also be compressed in any standard format, with its appropriate MIME extent (ps.gz for gzipped postscript, ps.Z for compressed postscript, etc.).
  • In rare cases you may need to use compression, since our server can't handle more than 5 MB in a single transfer.
Find the file containing your submission:

  This is:
Contributed paper
Invited paper
Student paper
Final copy of # (enter your confirmation number)

Now, cut and paste in 100-200 words of ASCII text (abstract) and 5-10 words of ASCII text (keywords). No control characters PLEASE.

Abstract and keywords:

Please use the list of topics below to characterize your submission.
Check one/more topic(s) that seem(s) appropriate.
Special Session: "High Performance Computing, Networking and Grids"
Computing in Business and Finance
Databases, Data Warehousing, and Information Systems
Data Mining, Statistics and Biometrics
Distance Education and Internet Collaboration
Human Interfaces and Interaction
ICT in Higher Education
Information Society
Intelligent and Multi-Agent Systems
Knowledge Management and E-Commerce
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization
Networking, Middleware and Distributed Platforms
Theory of Computing, and Computing Methodologies

Note on Form-Based Uploads: This form requires your browser to support form-uploads (Internet RFC 1867). While almost all browsers support this feature, including the Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, some ancient browsers do not. If you do not see a "Browse" button above -- next to the entry for paper's file name -- then your browser falls into this category. There are two solutions to this problem, one of which is to just upgrade your browser. The other solution is to send email to Mladen.Vedris@srce.hr,
Latest News
ITI 2005 Conference Ended

ITI 2005 Conference ended on June 23, 2005 with the Closing Session.

Student Paper Competition for undergraduate and graduate students (with prizes sponsored by Microsoft Hrvatska and SAS Institute) was featured for the second time at the ITI Conferen
The winners were:

Golden winners:
- David Bell, Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, UK , - Frane Šarić, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb

Silver winners:
- Matko Botinčan , Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb
- Igor Grudenić Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
- Rikard Land, Mälardalen University, Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Sweden
