Conference program 2005
The aim of the ITI Conference is to promote the
communication and interaction among researchers involved in the
development and application of methods and techniques within the
broad framework of information and communication technology. ITI
seeks papers that will advance the state of the art in the field,
and help foster increased interaction among academic, engineering
and business communities.
(in alphabetic order)
Special Session: "High Performance Computing, Networking
and Grids"
Conference Vice-Chair: Siniša Srbljic, University of Zagreb,
- Computing in Business and Finance
Conference Vice-Chair: Ivan Futo, Hungarian Tax
and Financial Control Administration, Hungary
- Databases, Data Warehousing, and Information Systems
Conference Vice-Chair: Nenad Jukic, Loyola University
Chicago, USA
- Data Mining, Statistics and Biometrics
Conference Vice-Chair: Josipa Kern, 'Andrija
Štampar' School of Public Health, Croatia
- Distance Education and Internet Collaboration
Conference Vice-Chair: Irena Ograjenšek, University of Ljubljana,
- Human Interfaces and Interaction
Conference Vice-Chair: Jasna Kuljiš,
Brunel University, UK
- ICT in Higher Education
Conference Vice-Chair: Leo Budin, University
of Zagreb, Croatia
- Information Society
Conference Vice-Chair: Diana Šimic, Central
State Administrative Office for e-Croatia of the Government
of the Republic of Croatia
- Intelligent and Multi-Agent Systems
Conference Vice-Chair: Bla upan,
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Knowledge Management and E-Commerce
Conference Vice-Chair: Vesna Bosilj-Vukšic,
University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Modeling , Simulation and Optimization
Conference Vice-Chair: . Kurtanjek, University
of Zagreb, Croatia
- Networking, Middleware, and Distributed Platforms
Conference Vice-Chair: Pascal Lorenz, University
of Haute Alsace France
- Theory of Computing, and Computing Methodologies
Conference Vice-Chair: Robert Manger, University
of Zagreb, Croatia
Wolfgang Gentzsch
MCNC Grid Computing and Networking Services
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
Title: "The Grid: Platform for e-Science, e-Business, and e-Life"
Nenad Jukic
School of Business Administration
Loyola University Chicago, USA
Title: "Data Modeling Strategies and Alternatives for
Business Intelligence Projects"
Mike Pidd
Management School
Lancaster University, UK
Title: "Modelling and Simulation for Performance
Measurement and Improvement"
Ralf Steinberger
European Commission
Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
Title: "Navigating Multilingual News Collections Using
Automatically Extracted Information"
Andrew B. Whinston
MSIS, Computer Science, Economics Departments,
Center for Research in Electronic Commerce
University of Texas, Austin, USA
Title: "Putting Your Money where Your Mouth Is"
- Acquiring and Aggregating Costly Information
from Sources of Differing Quality
Emlyn Rhys Williams
CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products
Canberra, Australia
(School of Biometrics invited speaker)
Title: "Teaching Statistics using the Computer"
Invited papers
Contributed papers
Poster sessions
Panel discussions / Tutorials / Workshops
Teleconferencing session
Best student award/competition*
Hardware / Software presentations / Book exhibitions
BOF (Birds-of-a-Feather) sessions
*see criteria at
Contributed Papers
Authors who wish to present a paper related to any topic of the
Conference should submit an electronic version and an identical
hard-copy prepared according to the Instructions to Authors (
). ITI seeks original scientific and/or professional papers.
The papers, after being reviewed and accepted by two independent
referees, will be published in the Conference Proceedings (book:
ISSN 1330-1012, ISBN 953-7138-02-X, CD-ROM: ISSN 1334-2762, ISBN
953-7138-03-8)to be included in the IEEE Book Broker Program and
abstracted in the INSPEC database.
After presentation at the Conference, a selection of papers will
be recommended for publishing in the following international journals:
- CIT Journal of Computing and Information Technology
- IMACS Journal Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
Authors who wish to be considered for a poster or a demo session
should submit an electronic version and an identical hard-copy of
the poster, prepared according to the Instructions to Authors (
Abstracts, reviewed and accepted by two referees, will be published
in adjunct Poster Abstracts booklet (ISBN 953-7138-04-6).
Panel, tutorial and workshop proposals are welcome.
Panel Discussions
Topic: +Academic publishing: dissemination or dissembling;
Moderator: Ray J. Paul, Brunel University, UK
Date/time: Tuesday, June 21, 2005, 20:30 - 21:30
Post-conference Tutorial
Elements of Statistics for Research
Yadolah Dodge
Department of Statistics University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
Descriptive Statistics, Sampling, Testing Hypotheses, Comparing
treatments, Analysis of Variance, and Regression Analysis. These
notions will be presented with the MINITAB Statistical Package.
The course is intended for people with practically no knowledge
of statistics. If time allows some concepts of Design of Experiments
will also be given.
Title: "Oracle Enterprise Grid"
Presenter: Mark McGill, Oracle Corporation, EA Enterprise Technology Centre, UK
This presentation describes the Oracle Enterprise Grid architecture and how key Grid concepts and capabilities are implemented in the Oracle 10g product stack. It uses case studies to illustrate how the scientific research community as well as commercial enterprises are exploiting Oracle technology to achieve the highest levels of performance, scalability, reliability and flexibility in their work.
Date/time: Monday, June 20, 15:00 - 15:30
Special Lectures
Statistics Lecture
Title: "Random Number Generator and Decimals of Pi"
Presenter: Yadolah Dodge, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
In 1949 John von Neumann introduced the method of Middle Square as a possible method for generation of random numbers for simulation purposes. Since then hundreds of methods introduced into the market to satisfy the much needed generator, yet none of them turned out to be of any significant time life span as a reliable method once the way they are generated is discovered. Dodge in 1996 introduced a billion of decimals of Pi as a natural random number generator. There is no cyclic behaviour, all finite dimensional distributions of the sequence are uniform, so it satisfies all the properties of todays generation of statistical tests. Similar results obtained by considering the continued fraction of pi, which appears random as opposed to other supposed normal numbers whose continued fraction are not random at all, were found by Dodge and Melfi in 2005. In this talk we will discuss different aspects of this generator.
Date/time: Tuesday, June 21, 16:00 - 17:00
Conference lunches (daily, included in the registration fee)
Cocktail party with light dinner (included in the registration fee)
Excursion with dinner (included in the registration fee)
The official Conference language is English.
Latest News
ITI 2005 Conference Ended
ITI 2005 Conference ended on June 23, 2005 with the Closing Session.
Student Paper Competition for undergraduate and graduate students (with prizes sponsored by Microsoft Hrvatska and SAS Institute) was featured for the second time at the ITI Conference.
The winners were:
Golden winners:
- David Bell, Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, UK , - Frane Šarić, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
Silver winners:
- Matko Botinčan , Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb
- Igor Grudenić Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
- Rikard Land, Mälardalen University, Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Sweden