Panel Discussion

Title: "Big Data" Management and Analytics

Moderator: Mladen A. Vouk, North Carolina State University, USA

  • Gezinus J. Hidding, Loyola University Chicago, USA
  • Clyde W. Holsapple, University of Kentucky, USA
  • Andrew Rindos, IBM RTP Center for Advanced Studies, USA
  • Joseph S. Valacich, The University of Arizona, USA

Monday, June 25, 18:30 - 20:00, Orlando Hall.
All participants are invited to contribute to the discussion.


Title: “Statistics and Data Mining for Computer Scientists, Engineers, Blacksmiths and Lawyers”
Presenter: Richard D. De Veaux, Williams College, Massachusetts, USA

Abstract: Workshop will attempt to cover the basic ideas of exploratory and confirmatory statistics in a whirlwind couple of hours. The audience is anyone who wants to know more about statistics and why statisticians worry about the things they do. The topics will be illustrated by examples from real world problems.

Tuesday, June 26, 12:45-13:30 and 15:30-19:00

Title: “Presentation Skills”
Presenter: George S. Nezlek, Independent Systems Consultant, Michigan, USA

Abstract: Authors typically devote much more time and effort to the papers they write as compared to preparing and rehearsing the presentation of those papers after they are accepted.  This workshop will offer suggestions for authors seeking to get more results for the time and effort they put into their writing by helping them get the most from their presentations.  The workshop is geared toward student authors and first time attendees, but anyone interested in analyzing and improving their presentation skills is welcome.  Student presenters are encouraged to use the workshop to fine tune their materials for presentation at the conference.

Monday, June 25, 12:45-13:30 and 15:30-18:15