BIOSTAT SYMPOSIUM 200916th Meeting of Researchers in Biometrics / Statistics BIOSTAT Topics:
14th School of Biometrics School of Biometrics Topic School of Biometrics Invited Speaker Co-organizers How to Apply for the BIOSTAT 2009 The ITI Conference participants who wish to join the Meeting or School should register using the ITI Registration Form. Please indicate on the Form your intention to participate in the School of Biometrics, in order to receive the School handouts at the Conference. For the ITI participants, there is no additional fee for the School. Submitted papers or poster abstracts (http://iti.srce.hr/html/submit.html) should reach ITI Conference secretariat within ITI deadlines and should follow ITI Instructions to authors (http://iti.srce.hr/html/itinstr.html). Accepted papers will be presented within the ITI topic: Data Mining, Statistics and Biometrics. The detailed program will be announced later, on the ITI web site at http://iti.srce.hr/. |