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Barabasa, Constantin, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Bd. Carol I, no. 11 Iasi, 700506, RomaniaBarbone, Alessio, Osel Consulting SRL
Barkalov, Alexander, University of Zielona Gora
Basch, Danko
Bašić Mikulić, Božena, Secondary school Biograd na Moru
Begicevic, Nina, doc.dr.sc.
Bekavac, Bozo, University of Zagreb
Beroš, Ivo
Bojkovska, Radmila, Ministry of Agronomy, forestry and water economy, Hydrometeorological Administration
Bourret, Christian, University of Paris East Marne-la-Vallée
Brkic, Marija, Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka
Butleris, Rimantas, Kaunas University of Technology
Cabral, Izunildo FernandesČ
Čeh, Ines, University of Maribor , FERIC
Cleju, Nicolae, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Bd. Carol I, no. 11 Iasi, 700506, RomaniaCopie, Adrian, West Univ. of Timisoara
Corbalán, Leonardo
Cosic, Jasmin
Cosic, Zoran
Costagliola, M.A.
Counsell, Steve
Counsell, Steve
Crnkovic, Ivica, Malardalen University
Cruz-Machado, Virgílio
Cyganek, Boguslaw, AGH University of Science and Technology
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