Panel Discussion

Title: "Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Coming from New Interfaces between Statistics and IT"

Moderator: Richard D. De Veaux, Williams College, Massachusetts, USA

  • Xiaohui Liu, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
  • Vesna Luzar-Stiffler, SRCE, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Diana Simic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Linda J. Young, University of Florida, USA

Monday, June 27, 18:30 - 20:00, Orlando Hall.
All participants are invited to contribute to the discussion.


Title: “If Your Parachute Doesn’t Open, It Won’t Matter What Color It Is”
Presenter: George S. Nezlek, Independent Systems Consultant, Michigan, USA
Monday, June 27, 15:30 - 18:00, Salon 5.
Abstract: Effective presentation of a paper at this (or any) conference often leads to interesting discussions, future collaborations, identification of new research areas related to a topic and a host of other potential benefits to the author. This workshop will cover some ideas about how to best deliver a productive presentation to your audience. It is especially intended for student authors, some of whom may be making their first such presentation. In the first half, we will consider some of the factors that make for better presentations - things that are often overlooked by many advisors and experienced authors. In the second half, participants who will be presenting papers at this year's conference will be encouraged to "fine tune" their materials and techniques, and are invited to send preliminary versions of their presentation materials to the workshop coordinator ( for advance consideration.


Title: “Useful Statistical Concepts for Engineers and Researchers with an Interest to Publish Internationally”
Tuesday, June 28, 15:30 - 19:00, Bobara Hall.

Organized by University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre - SRCE: J. Marohnica 5, 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA, Phone: +385 1 616 55 95, Fax: +385 1 616 55 91, E-mail:, URL: