General Specifications
ITI 2011 adopted a two-step submission process. The Initial Submission is for review purposes and stamped for confidentiality. The Final Submission will appear in the conference proceedings. If your paper is accepted, you will be required to upload your final paper by the Final Paper Submission Deadline.
Authors should only submit originally written, unpublished work to ITI 2011.
Conference contributions will be reviewed by two independent referees.
At least one author of each accepted contribution is required to register and to present the contribution at the Conference.
Student authors may be eligible to take part in ITI Student Paper Competition.
Registration fee must be paid (by April 26, 2011) for each publication to be approved. The only exception is when a SOLE author has two acceptances; only one registration fee would be required.
Presenters who do not attend the Conference will not receive any Proceedings (not even a CD-ROM); unless cancelation/justification is received at least 21 days before the Conference starts. In the latter case the author will receive a CD-ROM by mail.
Upon submission of the paper, it is automatically understood that necessary approvals for the publication have been granted to the Conference Organizers.
Before you begin the submission process be sure your paper is formatted according to the Conference Paper Requirements. Papers will be required to be checked for IEEE Xplore compatibility (see instructions). We have arranged for a manuscript creation/test site, IEEE PDF eXpress. Your paper will be rejected if it is not compliant with the conference format style.
Information About Manuscript Preparation
Keynote Papers /Contributed Papers /Student Papers /Poster Abstracts (“contributions”) should be written in English.
Contributed Paper /Student Paper should NOT exceed six (6) printed (A4) pages, including Abstract, Keywords and References.
Keynote Paper may exceed six (6) printed (A4) pages, including Abstract, Keywords and References.
Poster Abstract should not exceed two (2) printed (A4) pages, including only an extended Abstract, Keywords and References.
Final contribution should be prepared according to Instructions to authors that are available here in
- a Word file (instruct.doc),
- a PDF file (instruct.pdf),
- and a LaTeX file (instruct.tex).
Instructions are derived from those provided by the IEEE Computer Society Press (with their permission). Files instruct.tex, instruct.doc and instruct.pdf serve also as samples of the requested paper layout.
DO NOT use password protection in submitted contributions (PDF). Make sure not to include headers and footers in your contribution. Especially, make sure it is not page numbered. Correct headers and footers will be inserted during the printing process.
DO NOT USE national characters or two-byte characters within the title, abstract, nor in the author information subtitles of your contribution (to facilitate IEEE indexing and searching using international character set).
The proceedings will be reviewed and printed in BLACK AND WHITE only. However, all participants will also receive a CD-ROM, so it is acceptable to use color in your contributions. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that your contribution is still readable in black and white, as the proceedings will form the primary record of the conference in libraries, etc.
Before you begin the submission process
All accepted (final) papers will be included in IEEE Xplore database, one of the most comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering databases in the world. Since the papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore® System, your PDF file should comply with the IEEE rules. Click here for download of detailed PDF Specification for IEEE Xplore (describes the essential steps in distilling PDFs that meet the IEEE requirements).
PDF SPECIFICATIONS FOR IEEE EXPLORE: As of 16 November 2009 IEEE XPLORE submissions must be in PDF version 1.4 (Acrobat 5) thru 1.7 (Acrobat 8). In addition, the files must meet the requirements of the PDF specification.
IEEE PDF eXpress is a free, online service that allow conference authors to either convert their documents into compatible PDFs or to submit their own PDFs for compatibility testing. In order to prepare your PDF for ITI 2011 submission, follow the instructions for Using IEEE's PDF eXpress.
About submission to ITI 2011
Conference Publications
The Proceedings contain keynote papers and accepted contributed papers.
CD-ROM contains all accepted contributions.
Conference publications will be distributed to the registered participants during the Conference.
The Proceedings are abstracted in the INSPEC database.
Proceedings and CD-ROM are included in the IEEE Conference Publication Program.
The best papers presented at the Conference will be considered for publishing in the international journal CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology.
Selected papers from the Minitrack: Leveraging IS for Competitiveness in Transition Economies will be considered for publishing in a special issue of a leading Information Systems journal.
Five papers submitted to and selected by the ITI 2011 Conference will, with the authors consent, be published in a special issue of International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR). To be eligible, papers must have content made specifically relevant to business intelligence (BI) and this relevance must be clearly articulated in both the paper and the abstract. The Editors of IJBIR will make the final paper selection.
Organized by University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre - SRCE: J. Marohnica 5, 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA, Phone: +385 1 616 55 95, Fax: +385 1 616 55 91, E-mail:, URL: