If you already have an account for ITI Conference from previous year,
you can activate it for the current year as follows:
- On Conference System login page click on the text ">> Not a user? Create an account with this site"
- Select ITI 2011 conference to create an account with
- Click on the link in the second sentence: "Click here if you already have an account with this or another conference on this site."
- Enter your existing username and password to create an account
- Click on "Create" at the bottom.
Organized by University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre - SRCE: J. Marohnica 5, 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA, Phone: +385 1 616 55 95, Fax: +385 1 616 55 91, E-mail: iti@srce.hr, URL: http://iti.srce.unizg.hr