Knowledge Management and Collaboration Systems
Exploiting Hubs for Self-Adaptive Secondary Re-Ranking in Bug Report Duplicate Detection
Nenad Tomašev, Gregor Leban, Dunja Mladenić
Bug duplicate detection is an integral part of many bug tracking systems. Most bugs are reported multiple times and detecting the duplicates saves time and valuable resources. We propose a novel approach to potential duplicate report query ranking. Our secondary re-ranking procedure is selfadaptive, as it learns from previous report occurrences. It is based on the analysis of temporal evolution of the underlying distribution of influence. The experiments show definite improvements in system performance.
Bug duplicates, issue tracking, ranking, hubs
Full text is available at IEEE Xplore digital library.
Wisdom of Crowds Algorithm for Stock Market Predictions
Marko Velic, Toni Grzinic, Ivan Padavic
In this paper we present a mathematical model for collaborative filtering implementation in stock market predictions. In popular literature collaborative filtering, also known as Wisdom of Crowds, assumes that group has a greater knowledge than the individual while each individual can improve groups performance by its specific information input. There are commercially available tools for collaborative stock market predictions and patent protected web-based software solutions. Mathematics that lies behind those algorithms is not disclosed in the literature, so the presented model and algorithmic implementation are the main contributions of this work.
Collaborative Filtering, Wisdom of Crowds, Crowdsourcing, Stock, Market, Prediction
Full text is available at IEEE Xplore digital library.
Digital Repositories of Scientific Information at the Croatian Universities: Developing the Bridge towards e-Science
Radovan Vrana
The paper presents findings from the nationwide research about the current state of development of scientific digital repositories in the Croatian academic libraries. Although digital repositories of scientific information have become popular information resources in scientific community, only a small number of the Croatian academic libraries have such a digital repository active. The quantity of scientific content in libraries is sufficient for starting digital repositories; however libraries still don’t have adequate financial, technical and political support at their universities. Libraries are well aware of these problems and are prepared to improve current conditions regarding development of these important information systems.
science, scientific communication, digital repositories, libraries, e-science
Full text is available at IEEE Xplore digital library.