The Competition Judges will select two outstanding student
papers. During the Closing Ceremony special certificates will
be awarded to the student authors of the winning papers; and
prizes will be given to the lead student author of the winning
Awards 2 laptop computers (one for each winning paper),
sponsored by
FINA (Financial Agency, Croatia)
King racunala d.o.o., Croatia

The lead student author must present the paper in the Student
Paper Competition Sessions at the Conference. The paper will
be judged, along with others in the sessions, based on written
technical content (70%) and on presentation effectiveness
(30%). The Competition Judges will select one Outstanding
Undergraduate Student Paper and one Outstanding Graduate Student
Paper. A special certificate will be awarded to the student
authors of the winning papers; and prizes (to be announced)
will be awarded to the Lead Student Author of the winning
Student Papers Submitted for Competition
Databases, Data Warehousing, and Information Systems
+ Author(s): Hua-Yang Lin, Ping-Yu Hsu, Jun-Der
Leu, Wen-Hsien Tsai
Title: An Analysis of ERP Systems Based on
N-tier Architecture
Abstract. . The proliferation of ERP systems
naturally leads to an intriguing question of products classification.
In this paper, a framework for analyzing ERP systems is
proposed. This framework includes various IT infrastructures
that can be incorporated in the ntier architecture. By using
cluster analysis, different groups of ERP systems are classified
to verify the correctness of the framework. The results
may be useful for ERP vendors to improve their products
strategy and help companies to evaluate most suitable ERP
products to satisfy their requirements.
+ Author(s): Jin-suk Kang, Myung-wha Kang,
Chang-hee Park, Yeong-sung Choi, Jang-hyung Kim Title:
Implementation of Embedded System for Vehicle Tracking and
License Plates Recognition using Spatial Relative Distance
Abstract. This paper set out to use a
camera attached to a mobile terminal in order to inquire
a car and track its location anywhere. The technology based
in the research is to automatically recognize and verify
license plates on the front and back of a car. The plates
are input through a camera attached to a mobile terminal.
The technology enables us to detect a car registration number
and to transmit it along with the location of the terminal
to a server through a wireless communication network. The
information of a car obtained through the terminal is encoded
and transmitted to a server in a remote place through a
wireless communication network. The car registration number
and its location information are decoded and transmitted
as a text to the server in a remote place. In order to track
a user's location through spatial relative distance estimated
in real-time, the server uses the spatial and attribute
information which are the most prior to the desired data
value. With this property information, the right location
can be calculated.
+ Author(s): Tong Ming Lim, Sai Peck Lee
Title: Object-Based Two-Phased Locking Protocol
In Extolware Persistence Framework
Abstract. Locking schemes for an advanced
database management system such as object-oriented database
system are complex and difficult to implement. Many interesting
locking schemes are investigated and examined in depth in
this paper. The Two Phase Multi-granularity Locking Protocol
proposed by Won Kin (1992) and many improved locking schemes
proposed by other researchers to manage simple object, composite
objects and dynamic methods invocation involve a large variety
of lock modes and utilises a fairly complex algorithms.
This paper examines these locking schemes and look
+ Author(s): G. R. Gangadharan, Sundaravalli
N Swami
Title: Business Intelligence Systems : Design
and Implementation Strategies
Abstract. Managing an organization requires
access to information in order to monitor activities and
assess performance. Trying to understand what information
an organization has can be challenging because the information
systems collect and process vast amount of data in various
forms. To flow in the running stream of rapidly changing,
increasingly competitive global market scenario and increasingly
volatile consumer and market behavior and rapidly shortening
product life cycles, business enterprises today are necessary
to analyze accurate and timely information about financial
operations, customers, and products using familiar business
terms, in order to gain analytical insight into business
problems and opportunities. Enterprises are building business
intelligence systems that support business analysis and
decision making to help them better understand their operations
and compete in the marketplace. This paper describes the
life cycle comprising various phases in the development
of a BI system. The paper elaborates the implementation
issues of BI in an organization focusing a case study.
Distance Education and Internet Collaboration
+ Author(s): Bojan Mauser, Mario Essert,
Andelko Katalinic, Tihomir ˇilic, Tomislav Marjanovic
Title: Educational WEB Collaboration System
Abstract. This work describes a set of
modules for distance education. These modules have been
developed by students as professional applications, and
some of them are tested in the technical office. Modules
can work as independent applications, but also can work
connected and in this case they tend to make a system that
enables users to elaborate, publish and exchange documents
simultaneously with users communication, write and execute
program code on-line, and to have knowledge testing - WEB
+ Author(s): Gabriela Hykova
Title: Equality, Communication and Collaboration
in Online Learning Environment: An Example of Language Education
for Refugees
Abstract. This paper examines the positive
and negative effects of online learning in creating an effective
virtual learning community, based on communication, cooperation
and equality. On the basis of a project called "Online support
for language and cultural studies for refugees and foreigners
in the Czech Republic", tested in a pilot run in the fourth
quarter of 2003, the author suggests some observations relating
to her personal experience with building a virtual learning
and social community in refugee (foreigner) education. Finally,
the author discusses the challenge of implementing online
forms of education into traditionally face-toface language
education for refugees, asylum seekers, and people who have
been granted asylum in the Czech Republic.
Human Interfaces and Interaction
+ Author(s): Anna Hedman, David A. Carr,
Hans Nässla
Title: Browsing Thumbnails: A Comparison
of Three Techniques
Abstract. We conducted a usability study
comparing three different browser alternatives (iconic,
zoom-and-pan, and fisheye) for an electronic bulletin board
containing thumbnails of notes. The iconic browser behaves
in the manner of a standard windowing system. The zoom-andpan
browser allows the user to pan over a note and zoom to a
readable size. The fisheye browser was an implementation
of the bifocal view. We conducted an experiment where 21
subjects performed browsing tasks with each browser. We
found that users performed best with the iconic browser
and that young people (20-25) were significantly faster
+ Author(s): Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic, Marijan
Title: The Dvorak keyboard layout and possibilities
of its regional adaptation
Abstract. During the last several decades,
the keyboard has proved to be the most important computer
input device. It was inherited from the mechanical typewriter
from whom computer keyboards inherited a suboptimal key
layout. Better solutions have been kept out of use by economic
pressure. An arguably optimal layout for the English language
is the Dvorak layout. This article discusses the possibility
of applying the same guidelines and ideas that shaped the
Dvorak layout on keyboards used in other languages. Some
of the questions answered are how good the Dvorak layout
is in English, how good is it in other languages and how
a language specific version would look like.
Information Society
+ Author(s): Rikard Land
Title: Understanding Evolution of Information
Systems by Applying the General Definition of Information
Abstract. Information Systems are continuously
evolved for a very long time. Problems with evolving such
systems stem from insufficient or outdated documentation,
people no longer being available, different (often old)
hardware and software technologies being interconnected,
and short-term solutions becoming permanent. Crucial for
successful evolution of Information Systems is to understand
the data and information of the system. This paper argues
that some of the fundamental concepts and consequences of
the General Definition of Information (GDI), presented by
the field of Philosophy of Information, can be a complement
to approaches such as "data mining" and "data reverse engineering".
By applying GDI it becomes possible for the maintainers
of Information Systems to ask important questions about
the system that can guide the work in a pragmatic way. GDI
can become a useful tool that improves the evolution process.
Networwking, Middleware and Distributed Platforms
+ Author(s): T.K. Damodharan, V. Rhymend
Title: USB Printer Driver Development For
Handheld Devices
Abstract. Embedded systems such as handheld
devices don't have the direct printing facility. Whenever
a new system is build it should have a provision to connect
to the various devices. Device driver is a program to control
a particular device that is connected to your system. This
paper presents a complete description of the printer driver
for the handheld device, focusing mainly to write a generic
printer driver so that the data in the device is sent directly
to the printer through Universal Serial Bus. However, it
is possible to address a whole family of USB printers (such
as HP, Epson, Canon and Lexmark).. Previously handheld device
had to connect to the printer through personal computer.
Now, the device can connect directly to the printer. Mobile
Printing is the term used for printing from mobile devices
such as a Palm handheld, a laptop, a Pocket PC or similar
device, directed towards any USB printer. With mobile devices
having smaller footprints of memory, display and other resources,
the size of the printer driver should be small. To enable
quick deployment on all kinds of devices, it should support
for portability. The driver must be extensible to allow
for future enhancement. The paper covers the complete design
aspects and the implementation of the device driver for
ARM based devices.