Organized by University of Zagreb, University Computing Centre - SRCE
J. Marohnica 5. 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA
Phone: +385 1 616 55 95
Fax: +385 1 616 55 91

Period 1974 - 1990

  • The first Conference was organized in 1974 in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, under the name "Computer at the University".
  • Since 1980 the Conference was held annualy in the little town of Cavtat near Dubrovnik.
  • Conference was sponsored by ETAN Association, and was held under the auspices of JAZU-Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (nowdays HAZU-Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts).
  • Croatian and English were the official languages and simultaneous translations were provided during the presentations.
  • Members of the International Program Committee moderated the scope of the Conference and took care of reviewing the papers.
  • During this period the Conference kept its international character owing to foreign co-sponsors and co-operating institutions, program committee members, referees and contributors.

Period 1991 - now

  • This period started with many changes:
  • In 1991 a general referendum was held in Croatia, with more than three quarters of voters opting for Croatian independence from Yugoslavia. The Republic of Croatia was established as an independent country and was recognized as such worldwide.
  • As a consequence, in 1991 the Yugoslav army started a war against Croatia and occupied a part of Croatia, including Cavtat. To keep the Conference going on it was decided to move the Conference site from Cavtat to Pula starting with year 1992.
  • In 1991 the Conference also changed its name to Information Technology Interfaces ITI .
  • In 1991, the International Association IMACS accepted sponsorship of the Conference, in addition to the auspices of HAZU-Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and MZTI-Ministry of Science, Technology and Informatics.
  • In 1991 English was declared as the only official Conference language in order to make the reviewing process completely international.
  • In 1991 SRCE-University Computing Centre gained access to EARN/BITNET as well as other networks, and started using them for communication with participants and referees. For the first time an electronic version of the ITI '91 Call for Papers was distributed worldwide.
  • Since 1992 the Conference Proceedings is abstracted in INSPEC database. Other databases and library services followed.
  • During this period the Conference announcement has been published in many journals with information stored in several international conference databases.

Conference Names

  • Computer at the University (1974 - 1990)
  • Information Technology Interfaces (1991 - now)

Conference Proceedings

ISSN 1330-1012

ISBN 953-96769-n-n

IEEE Catalog Number NNEXnnn

The Conference proceedings is published by SRCE - University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

The Proceedings consists of invited papers, and contributed papers accepted by two independent international referees. Proceedings is distributed to the participants at the Conference, and is sent to Croatian and foreign libraries and databases for the purpose of abstracting and indexing.

In 1993, ITI Proceedings was identified by Croatian ISDS Center by ISSN number 1330-1012.

Since 2000, Conference Proceedings also has a unique ISBN number 953-96769-n-n, where first two parts identify the publisher, and numbers n-n change for each years proceedings.

Since 2000, ITI Proceedings was included in the IEEE Book Broker Program (e-mail: for post-conference sales, under IEEE Catalog Number NNEXnnn, where numbers NN and nnn

Selected Papers

Selected papers from Conference proceedings are considered for publishing in the special issues of the following international journals:

  • IMACS Journal Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
  • CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology.

Conference Announcement


During past years the ITI Conference announcement has been posted to the news group news.announce.conferences and stored in several databases:


During past years the ITI Conference has been announced in many international journals:

  • AMSTAT News,
  • Communications of the ACM,
  • CIT - Journal of Computing and Information Technology,
  • EUROSIM - Simulation News Europe,
  • IMACS publications,
  • ISI Newsletter,
  • Information and Software Technology,
  • The Macmillan Press Ltd journals, etc.

Conference Sites

  • Zagreb, (1974, "Elektroprivreda" Institute)
  • Cavtat, (1980-1983; 1985-1991, "Croatia" hotel)
  • Dubrovnik, (1984, "Libertas" hotel)
  • Pula, (1992-2001, "Histria" hotel)
  • Cavtat, (2002-now, "Croatia" hotel)




ITI 2009 closed on Thursday, June 25

147 participants from 30 countries attended ITI this year

ITI Young Scholar/Researcher Student Paper Award went to:

Maria Chtepen, INTEC-IBBT, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Katherine Hanton, School of Electrical & Information Engineering,
University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

ITI 2010 Preliminary Call for Papers