
Join us at ITI 2008 - June 23-26, 2008!
ITI 2008 Preliminary Call for Papers

ITI 2007 closed on Thursday, June 28
- 164 participants from 22 countries attended ITI in Cavtat this year.

ITI 2007 Best Student Paper Award Winners are:
Krešimir Zauder, Croatia,
Bojan Blažona, Croatia.
More Information about Student Paper Competition.

Conference Secretariat - ITI 2007
SRCE - University Computing Centre
University of Zagreb
J. Marohnica 5
HR-10000 Zagreb, CROATIA
Phone: +385 1 616 55 95
Fax: +385 1 616 55 91

Biostat 2007

14th Meeting of Researchers in Biometrics / Statistics
June 25-28, 2007, Cavtat / Dubrovnik, Croatia

HBMD Croatian Biometric Society SRCE - University Computing Centre

Marija Pecina

Problems in bio-information analysis

  • Data Visualization
  • Space Reduction Methods
  • Prediction and Classification
  • Time and Space Modeling
  • Computationally Intensive Methods
  • Other


School of Biometrics Invited Lecturer:
Barbara Bogacka, Oueen Mary and Westfield College, University of London UK

Title: Design of Exsperiments for Non-Linear Models

Abstract: Experimental design problems when the response is a function which is non-linear with respect to the unknown parameters will be discussed. As in linear models, here too, the chosen design can make a difference to the precision of the estimated parameters. Various criteria can be used to optimize the choice of design depending on the particular practical problem.
Similarly, when there is more than one alternative model, an optimum design for model discrimination may help in making decisions about which model to choose as the most appropriate one.
Theoretical background for optimum design for model discrimination and parameter estimation will be presented and supported by the examples from chemistry and drug development. Properties of such designs will be presented and the problems in obtaining optimum designs (coming from the non-linearity of the model) will be discussed.

How to Apply for the BIOSTAT 2007The ITI Conference participants who wish to join the Meeting or School should register using the ITI Registration Form ( Please indicate on the Form your intention to participate in the School of Biometrics, in order to receive the School handouts at the Conference. For the ITI participants, there is no additional fee for the School. Submitted papers or poster abstracts ( should reach ITI Conference secretariat within ITI deadlines and should follow ITI Instructions to authors ( Accepted papers will be presented within the ITI topic: Data Mining, Statistics and Biometrics. The detailed program will be announced later, on the ITI web site at