The first Conference, named "Computer at the University", was both organized and devoted to SRCE - University Computing Centre, but also, more generally, to the role of such centres within universities. SRCE (which is an acronym of our centre, meaning HEART in Croatian), was founded in Zagreb in 1972, to support computer education of students at the University of Zagreb. By the end of 1974, SRCE had moved into a beautiful new building where UNIVAC 1100/42 host computer was installed for students' education. Authors of the first paper published in the Proceedings were the eminent professors from several faculties of the University of Zagreb, who were responsible for the establishment of SRCE, from the idea to the realisation. They will surely be remembered for their pioneer work in introducing computer education at our University.
The Proceedings contain 29 papers including 8 from abroad, written by 44 authors (8 of them from abroad) in Croatian (12), German (1), and English (16) language.
Topics covered by the Conference were:
December 1998